Peer-reviewed Articles
71. Stie M.B., Cunha C., Huang Z., Kirkensgaard J.J.K., Tuelung P.S., Wan F., Nielsen H.M., Foderà V., Rønholt S. 2024 A head-to-head comparison of polymer interaction with mucin from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary glands Scientific Reports 14 (1), 21350
70. Kalouta K., Stie M.B., Sun X., Foderà V., Vetri V. 2024 Eco-Friendly Electrospun Nanofibers Based on Plant Proteins as Tunable and Sustainable Biomaterials ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (27), 10118-10129
69. Zhuo X, Ochner J., Leng D., Foderà V., Löbmann K. 2024 Mechanisms of Drug Solubility Enhancement Induced by β-Lactoglobulin-Based Amorphous Solid Dispersions European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 198, 114274
68. Zhuo X, Tozzetti M., Arnous A., Leng D., Foderà V., Löbmann K. 2024 Investigating the influence of protein secondary structure on the dissolution behavior of β-lactoglobulin-based amorphous solid dispersions International Journal of Pharmaceutics 653, 123887
67. Zhuo X, Foderà V., Larsson P., Schaal Z., Bergström C.A.S.,, Löbmann K., Kabedev A. 2024 Analysis of stabilization mechanisms in β-lactoglobulin-based amorphous solid dispersions by experimental and computational approaches European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 653, 106639
66. Si L., Guo X., Bera H., Chen Y., Xiu F., Liu P., Zhao C., Abbasi Y.F., Tang X., Foderà V., Cun D., Yang M 2023 Unleashing the healing potential: exploring next-generation regenerative protein nanoscaffolds for burn wound recovery Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 6, 100856.
65. Zhuo X, Sener Z., Kabedev A., Zhao M., Arnous A., Leng D., Foderà V., Löbmann K. 2023 Mechanisms of Drug Solubility Enhancement Induced by β-Lactoglobulin-Based Amorphous Solid Dispersions Molecular Pharmaceutics 20, 10, 5206–5213
64. Anselmo, S., Avola, T., Kalouta, K., Cataldo, S., Sancataldo, G., Muratore, N., Foderà, V., Vetri, V. and Pettignano, A., 2023 Sustainable soy protein microsponges for efficient removal of lead (II) from aqueous environments International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 239, 124276
63. Diedrichsen R.G., Vetri V., Prévost S., Foderà V., Nielsen H.M. 2023 Carrier peptide interactions with liposome membranes induce reversible clustering by surface adsorption and shape deformation Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 650, 1821-1832
62. Krog L.S., Kirkensgaard J.J.K., Foderà V., Boyd B.J., Berzins K. 2023 Application of Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy to Probe Dynamics of Lipid Mesophase Transformations upon Hydration The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127, 3223-3230
61. Zhou X., Sinkjær A.W., Zhang M., Pinholt H.D., Nielsen H.M., Hatzakis N.S., van de Weert M., Foderà V. 2023 Heterogeneous and Surface-Catalyzed Amyloid Aggregation Monitored by Spatially Resolved Fluorescence and Single Molecule Microscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, 912-919
60. Diedrichsen R.G., Tuelung P.S., Foderà V., Nielsen H.M. 2023 Stereochemistry and Intermolecular Interactions Influence Carrier Peptide-Mediated Insulin Delivery Molecular Pharmaceutics, 20, 2, 1202–1212
59. Thorlaksen C., Schultz H.S., Gammelgaard S.K., Jiskoot W., Hatzakis N.S., Nielsen F.S., Solberg H., Foderà V., Bartholdy C., Grønning M. 2022 In vitro and in vivo immunogenicity assessment of protein aggregate characteristics International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 122490
58. Bay Stie M., Kalouta K., da Cunha C.F.B., Feroze H.M., Vetri V., Foderà V. 2022 Sustainable strategies for waterborne electrospinning of biocompatible nanofibers based on soy protein isolate Sustainable Materials and Technologies 34, e00519
57. Thorlaksen C., Stanciu A.M., Neergaard M.B., Hatzakis N.S., Foderà V., Groenning M. 2022 Morphological integrity of insulin amyloid-like aggregates depends on preparation methods and post-production treatments European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 179, 147-155
56. Thorlaksen C., Stanciu A.M., Neergaard M.B., Jiskoot W., Groenning M., Foderà V. 2022 Subtle pH variation around pH 4.0 affects aggregation kinetics and aggregate characteristics of recombinant human insulin European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 179, 166-172
55. Kabedev A., Zhuo X., Leng D., Foderà V., Zhao M., Larsson P., Bergström C.A.S., Löbmann K. 2022 Stabilizing Mechanisms of β-Lactoglobulin in Amorphous Solid Dispersions of Indomethacin Molecular Pharmaceutics 19, 11, 3922–3933
54. Zhang M., Pinholt H.D., Zhou X., Bohr S.S.R., Banetta L., Zaccone A., Foderà V., Hatzakis N.S. 2022 Direct observation of heterogeneous formation of amyloid spherulites in real-time by super-resolution microscopy Communications Biology 5 (1), 1-10
53. Anselmo S., Sancataldo G., Foderà V., Vetri V. 2022 α-casein micelles-membranes interaction: Flower-like lipid protein coaggregates formation Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 130196
52. Solomon M., Foderà V., Langkilde A.E., Elliott P., Tagliavini F., Forsyth T., Klementieva O., Bellotti V. 2022 Recommendations for addressing the translational gap between experimental and clinical research on amyloid diseases Journal of Translational Medicine 20, 213
51. Chaaban H., Vallooran J.J., van de Weert M., and Foderà V. 2022 Ion-Mediated Morphological Diversity in Protein Amyloid Systems Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13, 3586–3593
50. Bay Stie M, Kalouta K ,Vetri V. and Foderà V. 2022 Protein materials as sustainable non- and minimally invasive strategies for biomedical applications Journal of Controlled Release 344, 12-25.
49. Zhou X., Fennema Galparsoro D., Vetri V., van de Weert M., Mørck Nielsen H., and Foderà V. 2022 Polysorbate 80 controls Morphology, structure and stability of human insulin Amyloid-Like spherulites Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences 606, 1928-1939.
48. Anselmo S., Sancataldo G., Mørck Nielsen H., Foderà V., Vetri V. 2021 Peptide–Membrane Interactions Monitored by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging: A Study Case of Transportan 10 Langmuir 2021, 37, 44, 13148–13159
47. Fennema Galparsoro D., Zhou X., Jaaloul A., Piccirilli F., Vetri V., Foderà V. 2021 Conformational Transitions upon Maturation Rule Surface and pH-Responsiveness of α-Lactalbumin Microparticulates ACS Applied Bio Materials 4, 2, 1876–1887
46. Pounot K., Grime G.W., Longo A., Zamponi M., Noferini D., Cristiglio V., Seydel T., Garman E. F., Weik M., Foderà V., Schirò G. 2021 Zinc Determines Dynamical Properties and Aggregation Kinetics of Human Insulin Biophysical Journal 120, 886-898
45. Kristensen M, Guldsmed Diedrichsen R, Vetri V, Foderà V, Mørck Nielsen H 2020 Increased Carrier Peptide Stability through pH Adjustment Improves Insulin and PTH (1-34) Delivery In Vitro and In Vivo Rather than by Enforced Carrier Peptide-Cargo Complexation Pharmaceutics 12 (10), 993
44. Kalouta K, Bay Stie M, Janfelt C, Chronakis IS, Jacobsen J, Mørck Nilsen H, Foderà V 2020 Electrospun α-lactalbumin nanofibers for site-specific and fast-onset delivery of nicotine in the oral cavity: an in vitro, ex vivo and tissue spatial distribution study Molecular Pharmaceutics 17, 11, 4189–4200
43. Pounot K, Chaaban H, Foderà V, Schirò G, Weik M, Seydel T. 2020 Tracking Internal and Global Diffusive Dynamics During Protein Aggregation by High-Resolution Neutron Spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11 (15), 6299-6304
42. Guo X, Liu Y, Bera H, Zhang H, Chenn Y, Cun D, Foderà V., Yang M. 2020 α-Lactalbumin Based Nanofiber Dressings Improve Burn Wound Healing and Reduce Scarring ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12 (41), 45702-45713
41. De Luca G, Fennema Galparsoro D, Sancataldo G, Leone M, Foderà V., Vetri V. 2020 Probing Ensemble Polymorphism and Single Aggregate Structural Heterogeneity in Insulin Amyloid Self-Assembly Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences, 574, 229-240
40. Bay Stie M, Corezzi M, Bombin Juncos AD, Ajalloueian F, Attril E, Pagliara S, Jacobsen J, Chronakis IS, Mørck Nilsen H, Foderà V 2020 Waterborne Electrospinning of Alpha-lactalbumin Generates Tunable and Biocompatible Nanofibers for Drug Delivery ACS Applied Nano Materials, 3, 2, 1910-1921
39. Bucciarelli S, Sayedi Sayed E, Osella S, Trzaskowski B, Juul Vissing K, Vestergaard B, Foderà V, 2020 Disentangling the role of solvent polarity and protein solvation in folding and self-assembly of α-lactalbumin Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 561, 749-761.
38. Rao E, Foderà V, Leone M, Vetri V. 2019 Direct observation of alpha-lactalbumin, adsorption and incorporation into lipid membrane and formation of lipid/protein hybrid structures Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1863 (5), 784-794
37. Wang C, Iashchishyn IA, Kara J, Foderà V, Vetri V, Sancataldo G., Marklund N, Morozova-Roche L 2019 Proinflammatory and Amyloidogenic S100A9 Induced by Traumatic Brain Injury in Mouse Model Neuroscience Letters, 699, 199-205
36. Skamris Pedersen T., Marasini C. , Madsen K.L., Foderà V., and Vestergaard B. 2019 Early Stage Alpha-Synuclein Amyloid Fibrils are Reservoirs of Membrane-Binding Species Scientific Reports, 9, 1733
35. Brady R., Kaufhold W.T., Brooks N. J., Foderà V., Di Michele L. 2019 Flexibility defines structure in crystals of amphiphilic DNA nanostars Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 074003
34. Brady R., Brooks N. J., Foderà V., Cicuta P., Di Michele L. 2018 Amphiphilic-DNA Platform for the Design of Crystalline Frameworks with Programmable Structure and Functionality Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140, 15384–15392
33. Vetri, V. Piccirili F., Krausser J., Buscarino G. , Lapinska U., Vestergaard B., Zaccone A., Foderà V. 2018 Ethanol Controls the Self-Assembly and Mesoscopic Properties of Human Insulin Amyloid Spherulites. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 122, 3101-3112.
32. Borro B.C., Parolini L., Cicuta P., Foderà V.,* and Di Michele L* 2017 Interaction with Prefibrillar Species and Amyloid-Like Fibrils Changes the Stiffness of Lipid Bilayers Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 27930-27934. *Equal contribution. Highlighted as HOT Article in PCCP 2017.
31. Marasini C., Foderà V., Vestergaard B. 2017 Sucrose modulates insulin amyloid-like fibril formation: effect on the aggregation mechanism and fibril morphology, RSC Advances, 7, 10487-10493
30. Santangelo MG, Foderà V., Militello V. and Vetri V. 2016 Back to the oligomeric state: pH-induced dissolution of concanavalin A amyloid-like fibrils into non-native oligomers, RSC Advances, 6, 75082-75091
29. Di Carlo MG, Vetri V, Buscarino G, Leone M. Vestergaard B. and Foderà V. 2016 Trifluoroethanol Modulates α-Synuclein Amyloid-like Aggregate Formation, Stability and Dissolution, Biophysical Chemistry, 216, 23-30
28. Lobbens E.S., Foderà V., Nyberg N.T., Andersen K., Jäger A.K., Jorgensen L., van de Weert M. 2016 The Inhibitory Effect of Natural Products onProtein Fibrillation May Be Caused byDegradation Products – A Study Using Aloinand Insulin, PloS One, 11(2):e0149148. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149148
27. Vetri V. and Foderà V. 2015 The Route to Protein Aggregate Superstructures: Particulates and Amyloid-like Spherulites, FEBS Letters, 589, 2448–2463
26. Di Carlo M.G., Minicozzi V., Foderà V., Militello V., Vetri V., Morante S., and Leone M., 2015, Thioflavin T templates Aβ(1-40) Conformation and Aggregation Pathway, Biophysical Chemistry, 206, 1-11
25. Nors Pedersen M., Foderà V., Horvath I., van Maarschalkerweerd A., Nørgaard Toft K., Weise C., Almqvist F., Wolf-Watz M, Wittung-Staffshede P., and Vestergaard B. 2015 Direct Correlation Between Ligand-Induced α-Synuclein Oligomers and Amyloid-like Fibril Growth, Scientific Reports, 5, 10422; doi: 10.1038/srep10422
24. Kristensen, M. Franzyk, H., Klausen, M.T.; Iversen A. Bahnsen, J.S.; Skyggebjerg, R. B.; Foderà V., Nielsen, H M.,. 2015 Penetratin-Mediated Transepithelial Insulin Permeation: Importance of Cationic Residues and pH for Complexation and Permeation. AAPS Journal, 17(5), 1200-1209.
23. van Maarschalkerweerd A., Vetri V. Langkilde A.E., Foderà V., , Vestergaard B. 2014 Protein: Lipid Co-aggregates Are Formed during alpha-Synuclein-induced disruption of libid bilayers , Biomacromolecules. 15, 3643-3654.
22. Foderà V., Vetri V., Wind T.S., Noppe W., Cornett C., Donald A.M., Morozova-Roche L., Vestergaard B. 2014 Observation of Early Structural Changes Leading to the Formation of Protein Superstructures , Journal Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 3254–3258. Recommended on F1000Prime
21. Sancataldo G., Vetri V., Foderà V., Militello V. and Leone M. 2014 Oxidation Enhances Human Serum Albumin Thermal Stability and Changes the Routes of Amyloid Fibril Formation, PloS One, 9 (1): e84552. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084552.
20. Di Michele L., Eiser E., Foderà V. 2013 Minimal model for self-catalysis in the formation of amyloid-like fibrils, Journal Physical Chemistry Letters, 4, 3158−3164.
19. Foderà V., Zaccone A., Lattuada M. and Donald A.M. 2013 Electrostatics controls the formation of amyloid superstructures in protein aggregation, Physical Review Letters, 111, 108105.
18. Vetri V., Leone M., Morozova-Roche L., Vestergaard B. and Foderà V. 2013, Unlocked Concanavalin A Forms Amyloid-like Fibrils from Coagulation of Long-lived “Crinkled” Intermediates, PloS One, 8(7): e68912.
17. Foderà V., Pagliara S., Otto O., Keyser U.F. and Donald A.M. 2012 Microfluidics Reveals a Flow-Induced Large Scale Polymorphism of Protein Aggregates Journal Physical Chemistry Letters, 3, 2803-2807.
16. Ricca M., Foderà V., Vetri V., Buscarino G., Montalbano M. and Leone M. 2012 Oxidation processes in Sicilian Olive Oils investigated by a combination of optical and EPR spectroscopy Journal of Food Science, 77(10):C1084-1089.
15. Smith M.I.*, Foderà V.*, Sharp J.S., Roberts C.J., Donald A.M, 2012 Factors affecting the formation of Insulin Amyloid Spherulites Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 89, 216-222.*Joint first co-authorship
14. Vetri V, D’Amico M, Foderà V, Leone M, Ponzoni A, Sberveglieri G and Militello V. 2011 Bovine Serum Albumin protofibril-like aggregates formation: Solo but not simple mechanism, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 508, 13-24.
13. Lo Presti C., Vetri V., Ricca M, Foderà V., Tripodo G., Spadaro G., Dispenza C., 2011 Pulsatile protein release and protection using radiation-crosslinked polypeptide hydrogel delivery devices, Reactive and Functional Polymers, 71 155–167
12. Foderà V. and Donald A.M. 2010 Tracking the Heterogeneous Distribution of Amyloid Spherulites and their Population Balance with Free Fibrils, The European Physical Journal E-Soft Matter & Biological Physics, 33, 273–282.
11. Foderà V., van de Weert M., Vestergaard B. 2010 Large-Scale Polymorphism and Auto-catalytic Effect in Insulin Fibrillogenesis Soft Matter, 6, 4413 - 4419.
10. Ricca M., Foderà V., Giacomazza D., Leone M, Spadaro G., Dispenza C. 2010 Probing the internal environment of PVP networks generated by irradiation with different sources, Colloid and Polymer Science, 288, 969–980.
9. Foderà V., Cataldo S., Librizzi F., Pignataro B., Spiccia P., Leone M. 2009 Self-organization pathways and spatial heterogeneity in insulin amyloid fibrils formation Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (31), 10830–10837.
8. Foderà V., Groenning M., Vetri V., Librizzi F., Spagnolo S., Cornett C., Olsen L., van de Weert M., Leone M. 2008 Thioflavin T hydroxylation at basic pH and its effect on amyloid fibril detection Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112 (47) 15174-15181.
7. Foderà V., Librizzi F., Groenning M., van de Weert M. and Leone M. 2008 Secondary Nucleation and Accessible Surface in Insulin Amyloid Fibril Formation, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (12) 3853-3858.
6. Librizzi F., Foderà V., Vetri V., Lo Presti C. and Leone M., 2007 Effects of confinement on insulin amyloid fibrils formation, European Biophysics Journal 36(7) 711-15.
Book Chapters
5. Skamris T., Vestergaard B., Madsen KL, Langkilde AE, Foderà V. 2023 Identifying Biological and Biophysical Features of Different Maturation States of α-Synuclein Amyloid Fibrils in Bionanoimaging In: Cieplak, A.S. (eds) Protein Aggregation. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2551.
4. Thorlaksen C., Neergaard M.B., Groenning M, Foderà V 2023 Reproducible Formation of Insulin Superstructures: Amyloid-Like Fibrils, Spherulites, and Particulates In: Cieplak, A.S. (eds) Protein Aggregation. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2551.
3. Foderà V. and Donald A.M. 2014 The Formation of Amyloid-like Superstructures: On the Growth of Amyloid Spherulites in Bionanoimaging by Lyubchenko and Uversky, Chapter 28, Pages 301-308 Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-394431-3.
2. Foderà V., Librizzi F., Vetri V., Militello V. Navarra G., Leone M. 2011 Nucleation mechanisms and morphologies in insulin amyloid fibril formation in Protein Aggregation, Chapter 4, 111-137, Nova Science Publishers,
1. Militello V. Navarra G., Foderà V., Librizzi F., Vetri V., Leone M. 2008 Thermal aggregation of proteins in the presence of metal ions Biophysical Inquiry into Protein Aggregation and Amyloid Diseases, Chapter 7, 181-232 Editors P.L. San Biagio and D. Bulone, Research Signpost, Kerala, India.